Ini dia Bab Semester 1 yang sudah saya rangkum, berikut :
- BAB 1
- Suggest and Offer
b. Suggestion are abstract and can be in form of solution, advice, plan, and idea.
c. Suggest means to propose a plan. It can be accepted or refused.
Contoh: -Lets finish our homework first, -Lets go home
- When making suggestions we often use the following expressions: -Lets....., -Why dont we...., -We could...., -What about....., -How about...., -I suggest that..., -You might want to change....., -I think....., -I dont think.....
- Responding to Suggestions:
2. Declining Suggestions; - No, Thank you. I dont feel like going. -Sorry, I think I will go out first and then do my homework. -No, lets just go to the supermarket. -Sorry, I cant I have previous engagement, -No, lets stay for a while.
- Structure to suggesting something: Subject + Verb + That + Object
d. Offer means to give something phisycal or abstract to someone, which can be taken as a gift or a trade.
e. Offer means to give help. It can be taken or refused.
f. Offer can be in terms of food, money, solution, friendship or a bargain.
Contoh: -Shall I take you home? -Do you want help with your homework?
- When making an offer we often use the following expression: -May I...., -Can I...., -Shall I......, -Would you.... -How about I......
- Responding to offers:
- Accepting Offers; -Yes, Please. I really appreciate it. -Thank you, it is very kind of you. -Yes, please, that would be lovely. -Yes, please, that would be very kind of you. -Thank you, I appreciate your help.
- Declining Offers; -Its ok, I can do it myself. -No, thank you. -No, thanks. I dont wanna another helping. -Dont worry, I will do it myself. -Thats alright, I will manage on my own.
- Structure to offer something: Modal Verb + Subject + Object
Word Power (Sparkling = Shining brightly, Surprised = Feeling or showing surprise, Enchanted = Put something under spell, Cozy = Giving feeling of comfort, Nasty = Very bad or unpleasant, Willingly = On one's own free will, Frightened = Afraid o anxious, Prevent = Keep something from happening, Loftly = Noble or elevated level, Dreadful = Causing great suffering, Gaze = Look intently at something or someone, Shiver = Shake slightly because of cold or fear)
- BAB 2
- Oppinions, an oppinion is the way you feel or think about something. Our oppinion about something or someone is based on our perpective. Whenever we give or express our opinion it is important to give reasoning or an example to support our opinion.
- Sentence structure to exprexx opinions: Subject + Verb + Object
- This expressions are used to show personal point of view: -What I mean is...., -In my opinion...., -I think....., -In my humble opinion....., -Personally, I think......, -I would like t point out that...., -In my exprience......, -To my mind....., -According to me......., -By this I mean,,,,,,,, -I stronglly believe that....., -I am compelled to say......, -As far as I am concerned...., -I reckon..., -From my point of view...., -As I see it....., -As I understand.....
- These expressions are used to show general point of view (General point of views creates a balance in writing and helps to avoid absolute statements): -Most people dont agree..., -Generally it is accepted...., -Almost everyone...., -Majority disagree with.....
- These are some of the expressions used to express agreement with an opinion: -Of course, -This absolutely right, -I agree with this opinion, -I agree, I never thought of that. -Neither do I.
- These are the expressions used to express disagreement with an opinion: -I am sorry, I dont agree with you, -I disagree with you, -I think you are wrong, -I dont agree with you.
Word Power (Eradicate = Put to an end, Violent = Using physical force intending to hurt, Merciless = Showing no mercy, Intimidation = The action of intimidating someone, Scared = Fearful or frightened, Limelight = Being in focus of public attention, Distressing = Causing anxienty and pain, Isolated = Far away from people, cities/ remote, Harass = Subject to aggressive pressure or fear, Condone = Accept behavior that is considered morally wrong of offensive)
- BAB 3
- Hopes and dreams is something that we want to happen and we work very hard for it to happen. But we are not sure whether it will happen or not and sometimes we cant do anything about it. Hopes and dream signal future intentions.
- How to express our hopes:
- Sentence structure to express hope using "-ing verb": Subject + -ing verb + Complement (I am hoping for some good weather tomorrow)
- Sentence structure to express hope using "to" and "that": Subject + verb + Complement (I hope to study in Indonesia next year, I hope that there is enought food for everyone in the party)
- Sentence structure to express hope using verb tenses: Subject verb Complement/Object (I hope Rahmat found the place)
- Congratulating is the act of expressing joy and acknowledgment for achievement and success of other people.
- Congratulating and Responding
- Very well done. Congratulations!! : Thank you.
- Good job! no one deserves it more than you do. : Thank you, your saying this means a lot to me.
- Fantastic! Congratulations on getting the first prize. : Thanks! I still cant believe it happened. I have been dreaming about it for a long time.
- Marvelous! I am so proud of you. : Thanks! I am happy to make you proud.
- Great! You did it. Your hard work paid at last. : It was nothing special. Thank you!
Word Power (Terrific = Extremely good/ exellent, Thoughtless = Not showing consideration for the needs of other people, Dangerous = Likely to cause harm or injury, Scourges = Person or thing that cause trouble, Colonialism = Occupying another country and exploiting t economically, Intellectual = Requiring use of intellect, Alien = Unfamilliar or distasteful, Ideology = Set of beliefs which forms basis of social, political or economic theory and policy, Bitter = Feeling or showing anger; not sweat taste, Bloom = Come ito or be in full beauty or health)
Sekian dulu Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 dari admin L4B. karena hari sudah larut malam admin tidur dulu sobat.
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